Cathedral Opening Times

Check this page for current Cathedral opening times and for dates when there is limited or no access.

Opening times are usually:


  •  Monday to Saturday -  10.00am to 4.00pm. For changes to this see: changes or restrictions

  • Sunday - 12.00 noon to 3.00pm


Don't miss our Top Ten Things to See and check out our Highlights Tours and Tower Tours which are on selected dates.
You will find other useful information to help you enjoy your visit here: Guidelines for Visitors. 

Entry for visitors is by donation. Both contactless card and cash donation options are available. Donations are vital to help with Cathedral running costs.

Changes to opening times and access


Cathedral Closures: 


19th October - Closed 11-5pm for Wedding Fair. Ticket holders only.

22nd October - Closed 10-4pm for Britten Sinfonia Schools Day. Not open for private prayer and/or to light candles.

1st & 2nd November - Resticted access for concert set-up. No access to Crossing, New Building or Katharine of Aragon.

21st & 22nd November - Christmas Market. Ticket holders only.

26th November - Closed 10-4pm for ARU. Open for private prayer and/or to light candles.

29th November - Restricted access due to Craig Charles event set-up. Open for private prayer and/or to light candles.

6th December - Restricted access due to corporate lunch. Open for private prayer and/or to light candles.

7th December - Restricted access due to The Snowman production. Open for private prayer and/or to light candles

12th December - Restricted access due to corporate dinner. Open for private prayer and/or to light candles.

14th December - Restricted access for Peterborough Sings concert.Ticket holders only from 2-4pm.



Shop Closures: 


Please check here for service times.

We take the safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults very seriously. Follow this link for Safeguarding contacts

Contact us

01733 355315  


Facebook @PeterboroughCathedral
Twitter @pborocathedral
Instagram @peterborough_cathedral

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