6th December - Restricted access due to corporate lunch. Open for private prayer and/or to light candles.

Ways to Support us

There are many ways of supporting Peterborough Cathedral. You can pray for its ministry, become a volunteer, make regular donations, give a one-off gift, buy tickets to events and share your enthusiasm for the Cathedral with friends.

How to donate

Here are some ways of giving financially: 

  • Online: by following this link to the Peterborough Cathedral Kindlink Giving page.

  • By cheque payable to Peterborough Cathedral: post this to The Cathedral Office, Minster Precincts, Peterborough PE1 1XS.
    Gift Aid: Please use this Gift Aid Form if you are a UK tax payer, so that your donation is worth an additional 25% when we claim this from the government.

  • By standing order from your bank: If you are able to give regularly each month, this helps us to manage our cash flow effectively. For the information you need to set this up, please email accounts@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk. Please attach the Gift Aid form above to your email if you are a UK tax payer.

  • In person at the Cathedral: There are collection boxes for donations by cash or card at the main entrance of the Cathedral.

Leave a legacy or other donaton enquiries

You can find out more about leaving a legacy to Peterborough Cathedral via this web page: Leave a legacy 

For any donation enquiry, please contact:

The Very Revd Chris Dalliston
Dean of Peterborough, Cathedral Office, Minster Precincts, Peterborough, PE1 1XS
01733 355315

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