
Tuesday 28th February - Saturday 1st April 2023
19:30 (each day)

This year’s Cathedral Lent course will look at themes of prayer and discipleship in Matthew’s Gospel and in our lives as Christians today. There are also some Lent book suggestions here.

Lent Course: From the Wilderness to the World 

This weekly course will start on Tuesday 28th February, 7.30–9.00pm in the Visitor & Learning Centre and will run weekly for five Tuesdays in Lent and one final session after Easter, on 18th April. For further information, please contact: Canon Steve Benoy at canon.missioner@peterborough-cathedral.org.uk or Dr Natalie Watson at nataliewatson162@yahoo.co.uk 

Bible Study Group

The group meets weekly on Tuesdays at 1.30pm in the Almoner’s Hall. We are currently studying the Letter to the Hebrews but, during Lent, the Dean will be guiding us through the Book of Revelation. All welcome. For more information, please contact: Sue Paine susannapaine@gmail.com 

Additional Resources For Personal Study and Reflection 

Dust and Glory

This booklet contains 40 daily reflections, Bible readings and actions to help us find God in the mess of everyday life. We have a small stock of copies available. Free or for a donation. Please ask at the Cathedral.

The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book 2023:
Failure: What Jesus said about Sin, Mistakes and Messing Up 

By Emma Ineson, Bishop to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York.
Published by SPCK 

Godforsaken: The Cross – The Greatest Hope of All

By Archbishop Stephen Cottrell. Published by Hodder and Stoughton
“A beautiful and compelling exploration of the Passion and how Jesus’ words lead us to the greatest hope of all”

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